Friday, October 20, 2023

Beyond the Script: My Reawakening to Authenticity

 I hosted my first webinar on Asian women's leadership this week. To be honest, I was filled with apprehension. There was strong resistance inside me, almost pushing me to cancel. I wondered if it was just nerves about running a live event, so I stepped out of my comfort zone and proceeded. I discussed assessing, planning, and achieving goals, the common challenges faced, and their solutions. One participant called it thought-provoking, which felt validating. But still, I felt a lingering unease and had trouble sleeping.

On reflection, I realized the topic, while important, wasn't what truly drove me. Yes, achieving goals and assuming leadership roles matter, and I can certainly guide on that, but it wasn't why I left my corporate job. I left the corporate world to empower Asian women to embrace authenticity in leadership and to democratize coaching through an app, widening its accessibility. My passion originates from a place of frustration. Society often hands us a set script: study hard as kids, and later, pursue specific jobs. Growing up, I was frequently asked about my future ambitions. But as I matured, those questions faded, as if society had predetermined my milestones. What irks me is the assumption that these set markers guarantee my happiness. They don't truly know me, so how can they dictate my joy? The result of this societal mold is heightened competition and constant comparison. In Korea, we reference the 'mother's friend's child'—an idealized figure of perfection. They excel in school, career, and personal life. While this might be an acute phenomenon in Korea, the U.S. too isn't immune to the pitfalls of comparison. If this scripted life genuinely satisfied all, I'd understand. But I see many grappling with exhaustion, anxiety, and a lack of fulfillment. It's like a competitive game not everyone chose but still feels compelled to play. Some might enjoy this game, but for many, it's a source of unending stress. It disturbs me how few stop to reconsider this path. They're preoccupied with their own burnouts and rarely ponder what they genuinely desire. I want to instigate change, where individuals consciously choose their paths, in line with their desires and values. This drove me to embark on my current journey. Achieving goals and securing top roles are valuable, but what matters more to me is conscious decision-making. My aim is to encourage people to make these decisions with full awareness. I'm still on this journey and sometimes find myself drifting amidst varied opinions about successful coaching. This week, I refocused. I know distractions may arise, but my goal is to realign swiftly. I believe in the power of a supportive community, and I've created such a space. If this speaks to you, you're welcome to join:

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