Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Secret on How to Find Confidence and Achieve Your Dream

In the last few months, several people who learned I left my corporate job to start my own business have asked me: "How did you know it was the right thing to do? How did you know it was the right time?"

My short answer? I didn't know. And I still don't. That often surprises them. So, they follow up with, "Then, where did you get the courage to do this?" Here’s my response.

Many dream big but wait for the right path, a clearer goal, or the perfect timing. The truth is, there's no 'right' way or path, and clarity doesn't just come by waiting. You find your path, and your goal becomes clearer only when you start moving, start taking action. Some wait for confidence. But guess what? Confidence also stems from action, particularly from reflecting on past actions — recognizing what went well and realizing that the feared outcomes weren't as lethal as imagined.

I applied to PhD programs in five US colleges without any expectation of getting admitted. To my surprise, I was accepted at UT Austin. The first thing I did was to look up where Austin was on the map! Then, I had to figure out how to move to the US, how to live there. I didn't know a single soul in America, and my English was so poor that I couldn't even order a sandwich at Subway. Yet, I figured things out, slowly and painfully. There was no 'right' way, no clear vision, and absolutely no confidence.

It's the journey and the struggles along the way that gave me confidence — the confidence that I can figure things out, even when starting from scratch. This belief didn't come from motivational speeches, but from my own acts of courage, my successes, and the realization that failures weren't as terrifying as I'd imagined. That's where my confidence stems from. That's why I can start new ventures without total clarity or certainty about the right path or timing. I have no idea how it'll all pan out, but I know I will figure things out. The difference this time? I'm going to enjoy the process more. Fun is my new core value. :)

Do you crave clarity? Do you seek confidence? Try doing one thing that you really want to do, even if it's scary. That's the path to getting there. What's that one thing you'll do today?

P.S. Does this story remind you of someone? I'd love to connect and hear their story too. Please don't hesitate to contact me. Also, if this message resonates with you, I warmly invite you to join my Facebook group [] for further inspiring discussions, or feel free to reach out to me directly. Looking forward to meeting fellow dreamers and doers!

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