Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Power of Self-Limiting Thought Awareness

I'm sure you've heard about self-limiting thoughts and the importance of identifying and overcoming them. Here's an example from my own recent experience:

Over the past year, I've gained 8 kilograms. Initially, I attributed it to not feeling well for an extended period and being unable to exercise. Then, I noticed my taste preferences had changed, and I started craving junk food, especially sweet treats. Breaking this habit became increasingly challenging.

After leaving my corporate job, I expected things to improve, given the reduced stress, well at least in theory. However, I still found myself yearning for sweet junk food, and I began to wonder why.

One day, I found myself feeling agitated and irritable. I began to question why I was experiencing these emotions, and a handful of negative, accusatory, and judgmental thoughts emerged. My initial reaction was to push these thoughts away, as I aimed to maintain a positive mindset.

About an hour later, as those uneasy feelings persisted, I had a change of heart. I chose to listen to those thoughts instead. I went to my office, alone, and began jotting down all the thoughts that surfaced, without judgment. Some thoughts made me feel ashamed, but I acknowledged them and continued. Eventually, I had filled two pages with my thoughts.

Upon reviewing them, I stumbled upon something intriguing. I uncovered a thought that I wasn't worthy and didn't measure up to my husband because I earned significantly less money than him.

It triggered a memory. My grandmother wasn't allowed to go to school because she was a girl. She was determined to make sure my mother received an education. My mother, who went to college, a rarity at that time, couldn't get a job. Society viewed a married woman working as a sign that her husband couldn't provide. This societal stigma was something my parents couldn't tolerate. Both my grandmother and mother emphasized the importance of financial independence to me. They told me that true independence and equality with a future husband could only be achieved by earning my own money.

I had completely forgotten about this for about four decades. I was surprised to realize that this long-buried memory had been one of the main driving forces in my life, and now, it's causing me stress and even leading to cravings for unhealthy foods.

Upon this newfound awareness, I lost my craving for sweet junk food, like that. They simply didn't appear as tempting anymore. I used to feel extremes of either extreme hunger or excessive fullness, but suddenly, I could sense my stomach feeling pleasantly satisfied. Since then, I've been consistently making healthier food choices because they genuinely taste good to me again. This transformation was like flicking a light switch; it happened instantly, not gradually.

It was my own remarkably unexpected realization of self-limiting thoughts, and as soon as I am aware of them, I found my freedom from them.

Have you ever experienced feelings of agitation and irritation when something didn't seem right? These emotions can be signals worth exploring. If necessary, consider speaking to someone like a coach. Most coaches offer complimentary coaching sessions, so don't hesitate to take advantage of that opportunity. It could potentially change your life too.

What self-limiting thoughts have you discovered that surprised you the most?

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