Thursday, May 16, 2024

Where Do You Feel Your Inner Guide?

I recently had a conversation with a fellow coach and shared how it often feels like there's another being in my guts dictating my path. Whenever I face a choice between an easy path and a difficult one, I instinctively lean towards the easier option. Yet, sometimes, my gut strongly objects, steering me towards the more challenging route. Over time, I've learned to trust this internal guide. Ignoring it only leads to discomfort and a persistent sense of unease until I align with its direction.

My friend, however, embraces the difficult path by choice. She avoids the easier routes because they don't offer the sense of achievement she seeks.

In life coaching, we use centering exercises to heighten our awareness of the body's signals. Interestingly, where we sense these signals can vary—some feel it in their heart, others in their gut like me, or in their head.

Where do you feel your body's signal? If you're unsure, engaging in grounding exercises like mindfulness meditation can enhance your sensitivity. Your body has the answers; life coaching is simply the process of uncovering them.

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