Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Power of Purpose: How Ha Nguyen Transforms Challenges into Triumphs

 In life, we all face challenges. For some, these challenges can be overwhelming and exhausting. But for others, like Ha Nguyen, challenges are stepping stones to success. The key difference lies in understanding the 'why' behind the struggle.

Consider the concept of a bootcamp. Those who endure its rigors do so because they see the value and purpose in it. They know that their hard work and perseverance will lead to a desirable outcome. But when people face hardships without understanding their purpose or how it will benefit them, the journey becomes much more difficult.

I recently had the opportunity to meet Ha Nguyen, a person whose career achievements are as impressive as her work ethic. Ha's journey is a testament to the idea that you must work hard to achieve your dreams. She doesn't just believe in earning what you want; she lives it.

Despite working long hours, Ha doesn't exhibit the usual signs of tiredness or exhaustion. Instead, she radiates energy and confidence. This is because her work isn't just a means to earn money; it's her passion. She finds joy in making a positive impact on the world and humanity. For Ha, the hustle isn't just a necessity; it's a source of fun and fulfillment.

Ha's formidable work ethic and purpose-driven life are deeply rooted in her background. Arriving in the United States from Vietnam at the age of two as a refugee, she saw her parents leave everything behind for a better future for their children. Ha recalls her parents' relentless hard work. They might not have had much time for parenting in the traditional sense, but they instilled in their children the values of courage, perseverance, and a strong work ethic – not through their words, but through their actions.

From Ha's story, we learn a vital lesson: when we understand and align with our purpose, challenges transform into opportunities. Her journey is a powerful reminder that when we connect our work with a greater purpose, the path, no matter how tough, becomes enjoyable and meaningful.

Let Ha's story inspire you to find your 'why' and approach your challenges with a renewed sense of purpose and passion. Remember, it's not just about enduring the hard times; it's about thriving through them.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Why Change Often Fails: The Unseen Obstacles

In my previous post, I encouraged you to embrace change and prioritize self-care, if not for your own well-being, then for your children. Have you taken the first step yet? If not, be gentle with yourself; after all, making change is difficult.

Here are four reasons why making changes in our lives can be difficult, even when we're fully aware that we want to:

1. You Don't Want It For Now
You may already be content with your current efforts and not feel no need for improvement, or you might have other pressing priorities that take precedence.
I once had a conversation with a highly accomplished woman leader. She thrived on her work and openly admitted to being a workaholic. Surprisingly, she expressed a desire to reduce her work hours. I questioned her, saying, "You don't seem to genuinely want that change. Why do you say you want it?" She chuckled and replied that it simply sounded nice to her.

Do you find yourself contemplating changes because they're what everyone else seems to want, even when you don't truly need them? It's perfectly okay not to desire what others do. Every situation has its pros and cons. While we often associate workaholism with burnout and strained relationships, it can also drive us toward success. You don't have to make changes until you genuinely want them.

2. Your Environment Is Holding You Back
There is a well-known story from Korea about Mencius' mother, who moved three times for her son. First, they lived near a cemetery, and her son was imitating the mourners. She then moved near a market, where her son started mimicking the behavior of merchants. Finally, she moved near a school, and her son emulated the scholars, ultimately leading him to become one of China's greatest philosophers.

One of the reasons I came to the US was to escape such constraints. Society had already decided what I should think, say, and how I should behave, but that wasn't who I truly was. The ideal life they portrayed for me was incompatible with my desires. I believed that I had a better chance of living the life I wanted in the US than back home.

Are you attempting to cultivate a garden in Antarctica? It's bound to be extra challenging. If your environment is holding you back, it might be time to make changes. This could mean distancing yourself from an unsupportive friend circle or reevaluating a job that leaves you feeling drained. Surround yourself with an environment that makes it easier to achieve what you desire. Surround yourself with an environment that makes it easier to achieve what you desire.

3. You Don't Have Energy to Spare
There was a psychology experiment: one group of people was asked to eat and evaluate the taste of chocolate chip cookies. In contrast, another group was asked to eat and evaluate the taste of raw radishes, with a plateful of chocolate chip cookies on the table. Afterwards, both groups were presented with an unsolvable puzzle. The cookie group persevered for an average of 19 minutes, whereas the radish group gave up after just 8 minutes. Why?

The answer lies in energy. Every small frustration, every bit of willpower spent resisting temptation, drains the energy needed for more significant challenges. Think about those days when you're running on empty, when your patience wears thin, and even minor tasks seem overwhelmingly difficult.

In the corporate world, I recall those meetings without clear goals and agendas being energy-draining. Sometimes, there was someone I felt I had to explain the same thing to repeatedly, and they never seemed to grasp it. I used to believe it was part of my job to attend those meetings and repeat myself. Now I wonder, was it truly the optimal choice? What opportunities did I lose because of this choice?

Do you have a change that you want and you know it'll improve your life, but just don't have energy to make that change? Consider conducting an energy audit in your own life. Identify what depletes your energy, whether it's people, places, items, thoughts, or habits. Perhaps there are things you want to say no to but find challenging or activities you wish to pursue but feel restricted by. Eliminating these small energy drains can provide you with the reserve you need to pursue the changes you desire.

4. You Think It Won't Work
I have weight issues. Even though my friends say it's not too bad, the truth is, I'm overweight, and it's harming my health. I know I need to lose these extra pounds. I've tried to lose weight several times in my life, and sometimes I succeeded temporarily, but I always went back to my old weight. I've learned a lot about nutrition and exercise, so I know exactly what to do, but I struggled to find the motivation. During a recent coaching session, I had a realization: I believed it wouldn't work. Understanding this mental block was the key to rekindling my motivation.
Do you yearn for something but secretly doubt about its success? Have you explored every avenue, only to feel stuck with no way out? Keep in mind, there is always another way. It's just not visible to you yet. Seek for help, spread the words, you'll see multiple other ways.

Recognizing the obstacles that may be holding you back from making positive changes is the first step towards overcoming them. Whether you're not ready for a change, hindered by your environment, lacking energy, or doubting the effectiveness of change, understanding these barriers can empower you to navigate them. So, which of these obstacles resonates with you the most?

Friday, November 10, 2023

From Weariness to Awareness

Delivering my son through an unplanned C-section was my first experience on an operating table. I didn't have time to mentally prepare, and honestly, I was scared. The pain after the birth was intense. Every day, I'd make the painstaking journey to the infant ICU to see my baby boy. Each step was a challenge — I'd step, pause, and gather strength for the next.

The first day, as I focused on this grueling walk, my mom suddenly started fixing my patient gown, pointing out that my underwear was showing. Frustrated, I snapped at her, "I don't care about my underwear; I just need to focus on each step." A few days later, as I felt a bit stronger and walked more steadily to the ICU, I noticed my underwear peeping out again. I almost turned to my mom with a retort, "Hey, you see my underwear and do nothing?" But I stopped myself just in time.

This experience taught me an important lesson. When our energy is low, we have to channel whatever we have into a few key survival tasks — like managing pain or just walking. Tasks that seem simple when we're full of energy can feel monumental.
So, when you're exhausted, you might miss easy solutions to ease your load, sinking deeper into that fatigue. Have you ever had a great idea pop up during a relaxed walk or in a moment of rest? Exactly! Self-care isn’t just a luxury; it's essential. Without it, we might just miss the door right next to us that leads to a better life.

Talk to someone, take a walk, or even take a nap. Do one small thing for yourself today to recharge your energy. You'd be surprised how much of a difference it can make. You deserve that moment of peace, and who knows? It might just be the key to unlocking a brighter path ahead.

Monday, November 6, 2023

The Evolution of Women's Lives in My Family and the Path Ahead for Our Kids

I firmly believe that my life story is not solely my own. It's interwoven with the hopes, sacrifices, and tireless efforts of those before me, all contributing to my journey.

My grandmother grew up in an era when educating girls wasn't a priority. Secretly, she'd study her brothers' books while they played outside, indifferent to their own studies. When caught, she was often scolded. Yet, for her, ensuring her daughter's education was paramount.

My mother not only went to college — a rarity in her time — but she also instilled in me the importance of independence. Marriage meant putting her career aspirations aside; a working wife implied a husband's inability to provide, a stigma my parents weren't willing to face.

Today, we’re living in an age where the rights to education and career for women are given, not fought for. But these rights come with an unspoken demand — to excel at work and at home. It's a much bigger scope without the increased support. So, it has become a challenge that many of us feel deeply, leading to a life that's more about endurance than enjoyment.

That's why my goal is to guide fellow women to live intentionally. To help us choose our battles and passions, and to know it’s okay to not meet every expectation. Our careers and our learning should add to our joy, not subtract from it with endless pressure.

If you resonate, join me. Change your life now. If you're constantly telling yourself you're too busy, too drained to take care of yourself, think ahead. Imagine, 30 years from now, your daughter living a life of constant fatigue and self-neglect because that’s the example she saw in you. Is this the legacy we wish to leave? Remember, they learn from what we do, not what we say. Show them what is possible. Show them what it really means to live your own life. Do it for them.

If this message strikes a chord with you, I invite you to join my Facebook group ( or connect with me directly. I'm eager to hear your story. Together, we can forge a path toward a future that’s not only better for us but also for our children. Do it for them.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Secret on How to Find Confidence and Achieve Your Dream

In the last few months, several people who learned I left my corporate job to start my own business have asked me: "How did you know it was the right thing to do? How did you know it was the right time?"

My short answer? I didn't know. And I still don't. That often surprises them. So, they follow up with, "Then, where did you get the courage to do this?" Here’s my response.

Many dream big but wait for the right path, a clearer goal, or the perfect timing. The truth is, there's no 'right' way or path, and clarity doesn't just come by waiting. You find your path, and your goal becomes clearer only when you start moving, start taking action. Some wait for confidence. But guess what? Confidence also stems from action, particularly from reflecting on past actions — recognizing what went well and realizing that the feared outcomes weren't as lethal as imagined.

I applied to PhD programs in five US colleges without any expectation of getting admitted. To my surprise, I was accepted at UT Austin. The first thing I did was to look up where Austin was on the map! Then, I had to figure out how to move to the US, how to live there. I didn't know a single soul in America, and my English was so poor that I couldn't even order a sandwich at Subway. Yet, I figured things out, slowly and painfully. There was no 'right' way, no clear vision, and absolutely no confidence.

It's the journey and the struggles along the way that gave me confidence — the confidence that I can figure things out, even when starting from scratch. This belief didn't come from motivational speeches, but from my own acts of courage, my successes, and the realization that failures weren't as terrifying as I'd imagined. That's where my confidence stems from. That's why I can start new ventures without total clarity or certainty about the right path or timing. I have no idea how it'll all pan out, but I know I will figure things out. The difference this time? I'm going to enjoy the process more. Fun is my new core value. :)

Do you crave clarity? Do you seek confidence? Try doing one thing that you really want to do, even if it's scary. That's the path to getting there. What's that one thing you'll do today?

P.S. Does this story remind you of someone? I'd love to connect and hear their story too. Please don't hesitate to contact me. Also, if this message resonates with you, I warmly invite you to join my Facebook group [] for further inspiring discussions, or feel free to reach out to me directly. Looking forward to meeting fellow dreamers and doers!