Thursday, November 21, 2024

The Struggle Behind Women Leaders’ Success - Timeline Trap

 We live in a time where women are told they can break barriers and achieve anything. The opportunities available today far exceed those that past generations could ever dream of. With so much progress made, it feels like the world should be wide open for women to thrive.

Yet, despite these advancements, many women still feel stuck. Maybe you relate—you feel empowered by the possibilities, but at the same time, there’s a nagging sense that you’re not moving fast enough. People say, “You can do anything,” but all you hear is, “Why haven’t you achieved more by now?”

This pressure to succeed quickly can feel overwhelming, and leave you questioning whether you're falling behind, even when you're working hard.

In our last episode, we discussed the impact of Limited Role Models, Shifting Values, and the Box of Chocolate Mindset. In this episode, we'll dive into the Timeline Trap—the pressure many women feel to meet external expectations about when and how success should unfold.

The reality is that everyone’s circumstances are different. I know women with supportive partners who can fully focus on their careers, others who prioritize raising their children, and some who care for aging parents or navigate single motherhood. Your timeline is uniquely yours, and it’s okay if it doesn’t match the “traditional” expectations.

It's natural to think, “I should have X by now,” or “Everyone else has X at my age,” even when we know these thoughts don’t align with our personal journeys. But let’s be real—it’s hard to just turn off that comparison switch, no matter how much we understand it logically. These feelings are deeply ingrained, especially in a society that constantly pushes timelines and milestones.

Instead of trying to suppress these thoughts, what if you could anchor yourself to something stronger—your own values and vision? When you’re clear on what truly matters to you and what you’re working toward, those external pressures lose some of their power. You’ll still feel the sway of comparison, but your anchor will keep you grounded, helping you move forward in your own time, on your own path.

By focusing on your true north, you’re better equipped to weather those moments of doubt and stay aligned with the direction you want to go. It’s not about silencing the noise completely—it’s about staying grounded and swaying less.

That’s exactly what my upcoming workshop is designed to do. You’ll gain clarity on what truly excites and fulfills you, build a vision for the ideal role that fits you, and create a roadmap for your future—one that’s anchored in your priorities, not someone else’s timeline. This will help you escape the Timeline Trap and stay focused on what truly matters to you. Ready to take that first step? Join me:

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